

Knee Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in humans and the most common cause of age-related disability. It commonly described as a chronic condition of wear-and-tear of joints and though mechanical forces do contribute to its development and symptoms, it is a complex physiologic process involving inflammatory chemicals, breakdown of cartilage, the synovium, changes in bone and fibrosis of soft tissues. All these components may contribute to symptoms of pain, stiffness, and weakness, and all should be addressed to support best outcomes. 

Fortunately, osteoarthritis can be positively influenced by lifestyle including exercise, nutrition, manual therapies, and conservative therapies such as laser therapy. Laser therapy consistently shows improvements in pain and function scores for knee osteoarthritis, particularly with high intensity lasers such as the Summus Horizon laser. Laser therapy works directly on the nervous system to reduce pain levels, and through the stimulation of enhanced circulation, energy production, and tissue regeneration, laser therapy has a therapeutic effect on all structures that may be contributing to symptoms of arthritis.  

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