

Chronic Low-Back Pain

Our feet are our foundation, and their function has a significant impact on the rest of our body: how our foot absorbs and transmits force with each step we take informs how the joints and muscles above move and activate.  If imbalanced or poorly coordinated, it does not matter if the force is small, the number of repetitions of this small force over our lives can become a significant injury to the tissues, including those in the lower back. 

In cases of chronic pain in the lower back, it is necessary to also examine the lower limb in detail to identify the root cause of the pain and to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Frequently seen in these cases are overpronation of the foot which impacts all joints in series including the ankle, knee, and hip, ultimately landing in the low back as excessive compression and tension.  

While using adjustments and myofascial release will serve to improve how forces are absorbed and transmitted in the body, maintaining these changes and developing new movement patterns through exercise requires a significant investment of time, energy, and awareness. Custom orthotics serve as the blueprint for improved foot and lower extremity biomechanics that your body references whenever stand, walk, and even when you sit; and in many cases offers great benefit to those who experience chronic back pain. 

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