

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

The tibialis posterior muscle lives deep in the back of the calf between the tibia and fibula: it’s tendon travels down the inner ankle and attaches to nearly all of the bones in the foot! This muscle is critical in the development and maintenance of the arch in the foot, and tendonitis typically indicates repetitive stress which exceeds the muscle’s ability to adapt to the forces. Common redisposing factors to developing tibialis posterior tendonitis include flat feet and hypermobility of the foot, both of which lead to excessive stretch and strain on the tendons.  

It is difficult to provide sufficient rest for the tendons so they can start to heal while maintaining mobility without some form of structural support. Orthotic therapy serves to improve mechanics of the foot, alter muscle activation in the lower extremity, and limit strain on the tibialis posterior. This will create capacity for the tendons to heal and when used with a rehabilitation program and manual therapies forms a comprehensive treatment plan.  

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