Dr. Kelsey working on the client's neck.

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are a type of headache that arises from the joints and tissues of the neck which is referred to as the cervical spine. We know that the neck is a contributing factor to headaches when we press on joints or muscles in the area that recreate the familiar sensations; these headaches are more commonly seen in the post-partum period and clinically are linked with nursing postures as there is a significant increase in strain on the neck in these positions.  

As with any headache complaint a complete history and detailed examination are required to clarify the diagnosis and treatment plan. Combining chiropractic adjustments with soft tissue work in the neck and chest provides prompt relief of symptoms which can be maintained through stretches and exercises, though as nursing adds so much strain to the neck it is likely these symptoms will need to be managed over the post-partum period until the physical stressors are not as present to see resolution. 

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