Dr. Kelsey treating Dequervain’s tenosynovitis.

DeQuervaine's Tenosynovitis

Tenosynovitis describes inflammation of the sheath structure that covers tendon. The purpose of the sheath is to offer protection to the tendon by way of providing lubrication and reducing friction as the tendon slides past other tendons and muscles; it prevents adhesions from developing in the fascia from the cumulative trauma of repetitive use. Inflammation occurs when the stress on the muscles and tendons exceeds the body's capacity to adapt to the strain, causing pain and loss of function.  

DeQuervaine’s tenosynovitis is specific to the muscles that move the thumb: the muscle bellies themselves are found in the lower half of the back of the forearm, and when you do the thumbs-up sign, the tendons form a triangle at the base of the thumb. These tendons and their sheaths become injured and inflamed from repetitive and sustained tasks such as gripping and twisting.  

This is an exceptionally common condition in new moms because caring for and holding baby causes a dramatic increase in the use of the hands and strain on these muscles and tendons. Simple movements like picking up small objects can be very painful and difficult to do; Active Release Techniques® diagnostic process identifies the muscles that are keeping excessive stretch on the muscles of the thumb and contribute to dysfunctional movement patterns of the elbow, wrist, and hand. When the correct structures are addressed, inflammation and pain can reduce a significant amount immediately.

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