

Not your grandfather’s chiropractor

We honour the tried and tested tradition of Chiropractic and expand upon it with a unique holistic approach, precision in diagnosis, and modern therapeutic modalities.

Chiropractic technique applied to a patient's back.

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic medicine is innately a holistic practice, as the philosophy of chiropractic recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, its natural capacity to heal, and the importance of the nervous system as a key conductor in health. The best-known form of chiropractic is where adjustments are made by applying force to the spinal joints at a high velocity, creating the stereotypical ‘cracking’ sound. Chiropractic care today, specifically at Maverick Collective Holistic Medicine includes a combination of rehabilitative exercises, stretches, soft-tissue therapies, Active Release Technique®, lifestyle and nutritional counselling, and laser therapy in conjunction with targeted adjustments.

Our Chiropractic Services

Pinched nerves

feels like sharp, shooting pain with restricted motion; most often not a true pinched nerve

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Low-back pain

may be chronic or acute; involves limited motion, and interferes with quality of life 

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symptoms include neck pain, headache, and dizziness following trauma

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Hip pain

can be felt in the groin, outer hip, top of the pelvis, or deep in the back of the hip

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radiating pain from low-back or hip down the thigh and leg; may have numbness or weakness

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Elbow pain

onset with a sudden injury or builds slowly over time; located at the back, sides, or front

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from tight bands of tension to blinding pain of migraines; check posture, nervous system, and jaw

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headache, dizziness, light sensitivity, nausea; whiplash always concurrent

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Thoracic pain

pain located between the shoulders to bottom of rib cage, possibly around to the sternum

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Carpal tunnel

syndrome of numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand; cause often upstream 

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Frozen shoulder

protracted symptoms of severely limited motion at the shoulder with pain

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Knee pain

with movement or at rest; a complex joint often impacted by joints above and below

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Our Benefits


The chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are essential for enhancing mobility and benefiting the nervous system. When chiropractors apply a quick force to a joint it stretches muscles and ligaments, sending signals to the spinal cord and brain that reduce pain and help the brain create a more accurate body map. This enhanced body awareness supports efficient movement, correct muscle use, and pain reduction. Key benefits of adjustments include reduced muscle spasm, pain, inflammation, and improved range of motion, posture, strength, balance, and proprioception. Adjustments can be performed in the classical physical style and through methods that are very gentle and also provide excellent clinical results. 

Chiropractic care at Maverick Collective Holistic Medicine

At Maverick Collective chiropractic care employs holistic medicine principles, addressing the full range of factors influencing each person's health. This approach includes a review of all the body systems, assessment of the mind-body connection, and detailed examinations of muscle tone, joint motion, nerve function, and fascial lines to pinpoint pain sources and neuromuscular dysfunctions. With the body’s complex and interconnected structure: approximately 600 muscles, 206 bones, 400 joints, and 30 trillion cells, all held together by fascia, the treatment of injuries at Maverick Collective is with a systemic approach to promote faster recovery, break pain cycles, and provide long-lasting results.



The most frequently asked questions

The first visit to Maverick Collective Holistic Medicine involves a comprehensive history which collects more detail on the information you provided in the pre-appointment intake form, in addition to a systems review to capture a complete snapshot of your health. After gathering a health overview, a detailed physical exam is performed: in most cases this means a head-to-toe examination, but for cases where the injury is very new or acute meaning high level of pain and having a severe impact on day-to-day function, the physical exam will be focused to allow for more time for treatment (if indicated). Throughout the exam you can expect to be informed about what diagnoses are being considered, where there are imbalances, how they may be contributing to your symptoms, as well as all the good things that are found. Questions are not only welcomed but very much encouraged!

Yes, chiropractic care is well-accepted as a safe, non-invasive form of treatment. Your chiropractor will address questions related to safety in your specific case as well as questions you may have about other potential risks during your first visit.

This is a common question, and we understand that it can feel vulnerable to have a physical adjustment. This is why Dr. Kelsey has learned techniques to perform adjustments without ‘cracking’, so that adjustments can be performed for anyone where they are indicated both safely and in keeping with the patient’s boundaries.

The cracking sound that sometimes accompanies a physical adjustment is the sound of a gas bubble collapsing in the joint. All synovial joints are filled with fluid, and physical adjustments gap and stretch the joint to the point where the pressure inside the joint changes: this allows a gas bubble to form in the joint fluid and the collapse of this bubble as the joint returns to neutral position is the popping sound. Think of it like taking the top off a soda bottle: changing the pressure in the system allows gas bubbles to come out from the liquid and pop at the surface. 

A common misconception, you do not have to keep going to a chiropractor once you start. Treatment plans are designed to obtain symptom relief and address whole-system tension/compensation patterns as fast as possible, while teaching you tools to use on your own to both manage symptoms and continue the healing and unwinding process between visits.

We often find that as people recover from an injury with the help of chiropractic care, they develop a clearer and stronger connection with their physical body and are therefore more attuned to when it does not feel in alignment. This makes them want to be more proactive and will opt to continue with sessions even after the symptoms have resolved to keep themselves feeling good, prevent injury reoccurrence, and bring the whole system into greater balance.

It is best to wear sports attire, stretchy or loose clothing for appointments to allow freedom of movement which facilitates the examination and treatment. If you come in wearing a suit or denim, not to worry, we will still be able to get some excellent work done.

Absolutely! Chiropractic medicine is a functional practice and even in there are no symptoms of pain or a noticeable injury, the assessment involves observing posture and movement, testing the neuromuscular system, and examining tone, texture, and symmetry of the soft tissues. This will provide enough information to offer guidance to improve upon current neuromusculoskeletal health and prevent injury.

We believe in proactive and preventative healthcare; therefore, we believe the best time to get a chiropractic assessment is when you still feel good! If you have a new or acute injury, we recommend having it assessed as soon as possible to get a clearer understanding of the severity and nature of the injury, as well as potentially allowing the healing process to be sped up with interventions.

That depends on many factors such as age, prior injuries and traumas, comorbidities, how long you have had the symptoms for, as well as mindset. Each session, symptoms will be reviewed, muscle tone, texture and inflammation will be monitored for changes, and the treatment that day will be tailored to give you the greatest gains possible based on how your body responds to the interventions. Most people experience significant positive changes within six sessions (not necessarily complete resolution in that time), and the majority feel a positive shift after their first treatment.

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