


Metatarsalgia is a non-specific diagnosis which indicates there is pain in the metatarsals of the foot; the metatarsals form the region of the foot just before where the toes begin. There can be both pain and inflammation with this condition and the underlying cause is biomechanical dysfunction in the foot. Biomechanical dysfunction can be from footwear that doesn’t fit well and leads to pressure points and can be from neuromuscular imbalances in the foot and leg.  

Neuromuscular imbalances of the foot and leg means that there is asymmetry in tone and elasticity of all the different muscles in the lower limb, as well as in the coordination of motion throughout limb while walking. The common outcome of this seen clinically is two or three metatarsals become stuck together through myofascial tension of the ligaments and muscles intrinsic to the foot; that part of the arch collapses and puts excess stress on the area, leading to pain. Improving biomechanics in the lower extremity through adjustments, myofascial release, and homecare stretches and exercise is often sufficient to break the pain and inflammatory cycle in metatarsalgia. In stubborn cases adding orthotic therapy to the treatment plan is beneficial to create a structural support that redistributes the forces in the foot, allowing the healing process to complete.

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