

The kids are alright

We are here to help you nurture the unlimited potential of your tiny human to your angsty tween.

Perinatal services

Chiropractic care for infants

Infants typically visit a chiropractor for one of three reasons: their parents value proactive chiropractic checkups to support the growth and development of their child, or they are seeking help for colic and feeding difficulties, often occurring together. 

Chiropractors are trained to assess musculoskeletal issues in infants including postural imbalances, muscular asymmetry, joint restrictions, and nervous system dysfunction. They also check for muscle spasms, inflammation, and hypertonicity, all of which guide treatment. When these issues are present it can make it difficult for babies to lie on their back, do tummy time, use a car seat, move symmetrically, or nurse; it can also cause your tiny human to experience pain. 

Chiropractic treatment for infants is extremely gentle and adjustments are made using pressure that barely blanches half a fingernail. Most parents report that it appears subtle, though facial expressions and movements show how your tiny human is responding to the treatment.

Our Pediatric Services


excessive crying in infants, linked with muscular and nervous system tension

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in all postures your infant's head position is persistently tilted and twisted 

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Breastfeeding difficulties

preference for nursing on one side; ineffective, painful latch 

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Motor skills development

coordinated movement needs balanced joints and muscles 

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Neck pain

in kids stems from sports, reading, and most importantly, devices

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Back pain

can occur in the mid-back and low-back from poor posture, falls, and injuries

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Growing pains

the persistent ache during growth spurts can be alleviated with gentle treatments

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Sports injuries

impacts and injuries cause strains and sprains that heal faster with chiropractic care

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Our Benefits


Growth and development

Early on, babies may show postural asymmetries such as head tilts, a persistent side-bend in the torso, difficulty bending one leg, or an arm that does not come forward as much during tummy time. These signs point to joint misalignments and muscle imbalances which if left unaddressed, can lead to altered movement patterns much like in adults. As your little one begins to sit, crawl, and toddle, the inevitable tumbles may contribute to further asymmetry and dysfunction in joints and muscles. 

Chiropractic care throughout childhood helps maintain balance and coordination, easing growing pains and promoting faster recovery from injuries caused by play and sports. Adjustments and muscle release techniques are tailored to the child’s growth, physical demands, and comfort level for both the child and parent. 

Repetitive stress injuries

Kids can experience repetitive stress injuries and pain too! As they engage in activities like dance, video games, soccer, drawing, or guitar, repetitive use of the same muscles can lead to strain. While this is part of the process of developing strength and motor control, it can cause minor muscle damage, which heals stronger—but also creates scar tissue. Over time, this leads to tightness, weakness, and increased risk of injury if not addressed. 

Managing and preventing these injuries in kids is similar to adults: a combination of soft-tissue therapies (like Active Release Techniques®), adjustments, laser treatment, and exercises to balance muscles, improve joint movement, and promote healing. The key difference is that kids heal faster, so their treatment plans are typically shorter. 


The most frequently asked questions

You can bring your infant in as soon as you feel ready to leave the house. For reference, the youngest patient at Maverick Collective was three weeks old!

Look for postural asymmetries, for example, does your infant have a head tilt or turn to one side that is consistently present, or is one leg always straight while the other is bent? Also look for movement asymmetry: are they rolling to one side only, do they have a challenging time turning their head equally both sides, and is it difficult to change their diaper? All these situations suggest joint restrictions and imbalances in muscles which would benefit from an assessment by a chiropractor.

Chiropractic is safe for kids: the force used to provide adjustments is quite low which minimizes potential risk from the treatment. Additionally, Dr. Kelsey has an additional 200 hours of training in neonatal and pediatric care! Questions are welcomed and treatment will always be tailored to your child’s and your comfort level.

Some things to look for after a treatment are if your baby has a big cry, a big sleep, or a big poop. Why these three things? Treatment to the physical body impacts the nervous system, and babies’ nervous systems are sponges for all input to them. When the nervous system integrates a treatment and releases tension, the body can have a very physical manifestation of that release. If none of these things happen, that does not mean the treatment did not stick: this information is shared to prepare you for something that may be out of the ordinary routine for your baby following an adjustment.

Scar tissue in muscle is like a scar in the skin: it has a different texture and is less flexible than the muscle, and over time it will shorten which leads to changes in blood flow to the muscles. When blood flow is compromised, the delivery of oxygen and removal of waste is not efficient and the accumulation of waste leads to inflammation at a cellular level as well as irritation of the nerves in the area. This leads to laying down of more scar tissue and the development of trigger points. Check out Active Release Techniques® for more information!

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