

Neck Pain

Neck pain is becoming increasingly common in kids, largely due to device use and a more sedentary lifestyle. From birth, infants begin the gradual process of developing motor skills, starting with holding their head up, sitting, and eventually walking. As children learn upright posture, prolonged device use or poor sitting posture can mimic the fetal position, preventing proper development of the muscles along the back and hindering the formation of healthy spinal curves.  

Healthy spinal curves are essential because they provide flexibility, absorb shock, and reduce tension on the spinal cord and nerves. These curves also help back muscles maintain an upright posture without being overstretched. Additionally, looking down while reading or using devices causes the muscles and fascia in the front of the neck and chest to shorten, leading to increased strain on the neck. Chiropractic care helps alleviate spinal tension, reduce pain, and promote healthy neuromusculoskeletal coordination. 

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